Thursday, December 17, 2009

Merry Christmas from our family to yours

As we celebrate this Christmas season we just want to wish all of you, our family and friends, a VERY merry Christmas and a happy new year! May you all remember the reason for the season and enjoy time with the ones you love!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Well I am officially the worst blogger...I sit down to write a blog then things come up...babies wake up. So I wanted to share some pictures and a quick update because I may not have long!

Caden- is ALMOST 12! I cannot believe that! It seems like not so long ago that I met the cutest little boy ever. He's such a good kid, makes me proud every day. He's at a fun stage of "TWEEN" that is trying for all of us but just when I think my hair is going to fall out I talk to a friend who has a son his age and thank GOD I have him instead! He is doing GREAT in middle school. It was a difficult transition for him, as it was far more important to text or wear the right clothes or sit with the cool kids than worry about the nonsense of school (AND NO he cannot get that from me ;) ) but he managed to bring up his 3 week grades to ALL A's and one B! Since that first few weeks in the beginning he has really taken off and settled into his groove. He LOVES Pre Athletics, Speech, and Science. He loves school and has made a lot of really nice friends. He's the best big brother in the world, he may tire of playing with G but its rare that he shows it. They are inseparable and the site of the two of them laughing and playing really makes my day! Baseball season is still a while away but they've started practicing and it will be here before we know it.

Garrett- TURNED 5 last month! My baby boy is 5 now. I was telling Michael yesterday that I remember when Caden started Kindergarten being sad because I felt like I went from being his world to being just another person in it. I've hit that with Garrett. He LOVES LOVES LOVES school, so much in fact he ASKED to stay in the afternoons. We had a parent teacher conference and his teacher proudly told me he was very well prepared and doing phenomenally. He knows his letters, numbers, shapes, colors, knows what sounds each letter makes, he's showing a lot of reading readiness skills and he loves to figure out how to spell words on his own. He loves to read and do math ( and he does NOT get that from me-well the reading part yes but not the math!)
He is very smart. He is very much the big kid now. He makes me proud every day and makes me laugh and smile constantly. He loves bugs and we have since had a caterpillar and a grasshopper whom were loved too much by their owner. He learned to tie his shoes himself this week which was very exciting to watch him master that skill. He still loves Tech and Star Wars (and his momma) but he has a few news loves...Clair, Audri, and Georgia...which may be why he loves going to school! Garrett LOVES Leighton...he is VERY concerned about her every whimper or frown and lives to make her laugh and smile...which she does as soon as she sees him! OF course he'd rather be with Caden than just about anyone in the world

Little Miss Leighton is almost 6 months, that’s right, she will be 6 months next week!!! The time has flown by. She is now over 18lbs and 27 inches! She can drink from a sippy cup, she can eat real food (which I make with love), she sits up all by herself like a real big girl. She's not a roller but she CAN do it. She went from hating tummy time to tolerating it for a minute or two to loving it and now she will rock back and forth and kind of lurch forward. She loves to sit up and play with her toys. She enjoys her best friends, Laney, Mason, and Presley and of course the constant entertainment provided by her brothers, mommy, and daddy. Her favorite thing is to talk to you. She smiles and laughs so loud, she squeals and screams happily. She has started dancing, if she hears music and is sitting up she will as the boys call it "booty bounce" kind of bounces on her bottom. She gives kisses and hugs and the most precious melt your heart smiles. I love dressing her up and taking her places or just sitting in our pjs and rocking. She loves to be held and rocked. I worried with the boys both being so good and laid back that she wouldn't be but she is just a happy go lucky laid back little girl.

OK I apoligize I cannot figure out how to get the pics where I want them and now Laney and Mason are up and ready for lunch so....I will try to post some more after Leighton's 6 month appt!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Two months

Well its hard to believe but Little Miss Leighton is 2 months old! Part of me feels like she was just born, like all those events were just yesterday and then part of me feels like she has always been a part of our family! The boys ADORE her. Garrett always wants to touch her and hold her and constantly talks to her and tells her "I love you my baby sister". Caden is SO much help. He's favorite job is to hold her while I make dinner/lunch. He'll just sit and talk to her. Both boys are absolutely wonderful with her!

We went today for her check up. She was 11lbs 14oz up 4 lbs from her birth weight and she was 23 1/2 inches, up 3 inches from her birth. She was 93% for height, 80% for weight, and 75% for head at 15 1/2 inches. She's definitely grown. Our pediatrician, Dr. Rogers laughed that this was once the baby I brought in twice a week for weight checks as we worried so much about her slow weight gain! Those days are gone!

Leighton holds her head up really well, she smiles, and talks. She TRIES to roll over but she's not there yet. Leighton LOVES to be with people, loves her brothers, her friends, and loves to be outside. Her favorite place is on our bed looking up at the ceiling fan. I can lay her there to change her diaper and she'll just squeal and talk and smile at the fan!

Here are some pictures from the last month

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Some pictures/updates

Well Leighton left the hospital weighing 6lbs 7oz, she was "slightly jaundiced" meaning she was yellow but the levels weren't high enough for home health. By Friday we were worried about her coloring as her whites of her eyes were yellowing and the yellow was spreading down. I was also worried about her weight as I wasn't quite sure I was doing the breastfeeding thing right. We took her in and she had gained 5oz! She was up to 6lbs 12oz which made me feel soooo good! They were concerned with her color and did the heal stick for billirubin levels. They called yesterday to tell us her level was 18! They like it to be at or close to 10 so home health came out and put up her billibox. It was sad but she seems to like it which makes it easier for me AND I have to put her in it so I have to put her down which meant yesterday I actually rested. I am putting up some pictures of her in her box. She has to stay in it as much as possible, only getting out for feedings (which she is doing wonderfully with every 2 hours on the dot), and diaper changes. She really is doing well with it. They estimated she'd be on it through Tuesday but they'll come out daily to check her weight and levels so say a prayer for us.

Yesterday, she also got her first at home sponge bath. Michael and I laughed at how curly her hair is! As soon as she got out and I dried it her little hair just curled right up. It is SO cute!

Last night, Kodi, Kaci, Laney, and Mason came by to see us. We were so happy to see them. I could not believe how big they have gotten this week! I loved on Mason until I hurt, LOL..he's a squirmy BIG guy! He seems huge after holding tiny little Leighton all week! Laney is beautiful as always and ate up a storm last night! It was soo good to see them and Kodi and Kaci too! We finally got Leighton out so she could meet her friends. I couldn't believe how tiny she looked next to Laney or how yellow! I cannot wait to watch them grow up together. Mason has already seen his girlfriend topless and neither dad was excited about that! LOL! It was fun though.

Mimi is going home today and we're going to miss her. SHe has been so much help to me especially with the boys. Its been hard for me to not be able to do much with either of them but sit. She has kept them entertained and been a big help with Leighton and doing household things. Thanks mimi!!!

Friday, Aunt Tammy, Gracelyn, Brittany, and Landon AND Nana and popo are coming to visit! Nana already got to meet Leighton in the hospital and she was here to save the day at Leighton's birth. I don't know what we would have done without Kodi, Kaci, Nana, and Mimi this week!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

She's here!!!

Leighton Reese Kacal is here! She arrived on Monday, May 18th at 6:41pm via c-section. She was 7lbs 12oz and 20 1/2 inches long. She has a LOT of blonde wavy hair and looks otherwise a lot like big brother, Garrett!

Monday, I went to the dr. for my 37 week appt. I was 37 weeks 4 days. I had been having some back pain the night before and just didn't feel good. Kaci happened to be at the dr. as well that morning. I went in and was 3cms dialated and 70% effaced. They sent me over to the specialist to get monitored to see if I was contracting, if the back pain was labor or not. Kaci went with me (THANK GOODNESS because I was really scared). They didn't show many contractions but Kaci who had been through that informed the nurse that my breathing changed when I got one and she could tell it was happening more than the machine was showing. They sent me home but told me my OB would be calling me shortly to let me know what they wanted me to do. After about 45minutes my OB called and wanted me to come in to be checked again. I got there and was a 4, 85% they sent Michael and I across the street to the hospital to be admitted for my c-section!

Michael and I were both so excited but so not ready for that. He paced nervously and I just kept thinking it was not real.

They got me prepped for surgery and we filled out some paperwork and before we got everyone called and even adjusted to the idea ourselves we were in surgery having our baby girl!

Leighton Reese Kacal was born at 6:41pm on May 18th, 2009. She weighed 7lbs 12oz and was 20 1/2 inches long. She came out with a head of blonde hair and deep blue eyes. SHe scored an 8 and 9 on her apgar and then a 9 and 10 on the second. She had to go to the nursery for some oxygen but got to our room about midnight. She fed like she knew exactly what to do and amazingly I did too!

We had great hospital care, lots of friends, and family came to see us. Garrett and Caden love their baby sister but Garrett was a little concerned about his Mommy! My mom came down and stayed with us for the week and has been so much help! The boys have enjoyed having her around!

Here are some pictures!!!! We've been so busy but hope to hear from you all soon!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Count down....16 more days AT MOST

So yesterday I got an email that some how made reality set in. It was from Melisse asking about payment for the next weeks. I have known for a while that Cayden and Cole's last day with me would be next Friday 5-22 to get ready for Leighton's arrival. Somehow the question she asked hit me that HEY thats next Friday. For some reason that sent me into a little panic yesterday. I'm not sure what it was exactly I was cramping, I was having a little braxton hicks, my stomach was really upset. I laid in bed last night...after my breakdown just trying to figure out what I was going to do with Caden and Garrett if I were to go into labor before the 29th. I got up washed the dishes from dinner, repacked my bag for the hospital, checked my camera to be sure it was charged, laughed at back in bed, tried to think more about what to do with the boys. All the while my back is cramping up and my stomach is hurting. I convinced myself to go to sleep...if it were labor it would wake me up or keep me up. Last I looked at the clock it was 3am. Needless to say getting up this morning was not fun.

I went to the dr. for my 37 week appt. Now according to my last menstrual period I am 37 weeks today but according to my first ultrasound at 6 weeks I am 36 weeks 4 days which is what my dr. office is going by...either way it doesn't matter. SO I go in and the nurse---who is the best EVER!!! measured me and she looked at me funny and said 37 weeks right and I explained and she laughed and measured me again and looking a little puzzled or amused told me my belly is measuring 39 1/2 weeks and I dropped. LOL. I can't quite guess if she's going to be big or not. Some days I just don't feel like she is as big as Garrett then I hear she's measuring 4 weeks ahead and think ok yes she is!

Rhonda said my contractions are likely the result of what they call uterine way I can explain is that as my uterus is measuring 39 1/2 weeks and as it stretches to its capacity it gets a little irritable and contracts...these contractions don't really help things happen though...but they are not quite Braxton hicks. She told me that if I were to come in at a 3 or more it was straight to Labor and Delivery but if I came in at a 2 but not in any pain or discomfort they'd let me go home and wait to see how much longer I could go at this point. She gave me the option of getting checked but I opted not to. I don't think I am in labor, I hadn't been contracting this morning and I think I can make it AT LEAST another week to my next appt when they will check me regardless. The last thing I want to do is make things happen faster. LOL! She said Leighton's heartrate is still in the 150s she was moving around a lot...everything looked great. Blood pressure was low but good. Sometimes having such an easy pregnancy makes me worry about the delivery OR the baby HAHA!

I definitely dropped last Friday...not only can I tell by how I feel but everyone has commented. Cole even asked me why I was walking like a duck...the girl at the Science Spectrum commented, random people and people close to me. Its definitely that time in my pregnancy.

So from today I have 16 days left at most but it could be any day now which is both super exciting and terrifying for some reason! So keep us in your prayers. We can't wait to meet our little girl! I go back to the dr. next Monday so we'll know a little more maybe then but I am confident I will make it...I believe it the power of positive thinking...I told Kaci this as she errupted in some extent I guess!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

One more month

I cannot believe we're already to this point. I am 35 weeks 3 days, Leighton will be born in 4 weeks and a day! Its crazy to think that, this pregnancy has gone by so fast but we are so ready to welcome our daughter into our family. I went to the dr. last on Tuesday. She said everything was perfect with me and little Miss Leighton. She is measuring only a week ahead now so we're thinking maybe she won't be as big as her brother. Nothing really to report because everything is going so well. Leighton is doing a lot of nudging and adjusting, and has the hiccups a lot. I am feeling pretty good. I am getting to that stage where sleeping is hard, being comfortable is hard, my feet swell like balloons especially with this heat...but that is all I can complain about and that is good with me! We have mostly everything finished for her. All I need to do is wash clothes and pack our bags but I think I will wait a few weeks for that. I've been nesting like a crazy woman and Michael is loving it...Caden is hating it. I can't seem to get the house clean enough and with 6 kids in and out its a never ending I can't seem to get good enough. I didn't do this with Garrett so its kind of fun. I hope it lasts for the next 4 weeks though and I don't get so worn out!
We're staying busy trying to focus on the day to days and weeks at hand and I think thats where the time has gone. The boys generally have games about 3-4 days between them and practices several times a week as well. They defnitely keep us busy.
Last weekend, Caden competed in the Little League Pitch, hit, and Run competition. He actually tied for 1st place and will advance to Sectional finals in Midland over Memorial day. Unfortunately I won't be allowed to go watch him....since that is the weekend before Leighton's arrival. If he were to win that he would then go to Ranger's stadium for the state competition from there he would go to the All Star MLB game in St.Louis! Its a huge deal and we're really proud of him. He's been doing so well with baseball this year! I can't believe there are 21 days of elementary school left for Caden. It seems like yesterday that I was leaving him at Kindergarten bawling my eyes out...he's growing up pretty fast! We're pretty proud of the kid he has become! It occurred to me this week that when Leighton goes to Kindergarten Caden will be driving!!! SCARY!
Garrett is doing well...he is REALLY excited for his sister to be here. He asks me a lot how many days do we have left. This week I had told him 30 and he said OH I can even count to that! Even he realized its coming quick! He loves to kiss my belly and talk to his sister--via my belly button which apparently not only is a microphone but he is convinced if he sticks his finger in there he can touch her ;) He's doing well with Tball, enjoying every minute of it and looking forward to starting swimming lessons this summer. He's really REALLY looking forward to Caden being out of school and home with him! Daddy has told him he'd take them fishing and to the golf course and he's pretty excited. He's growing up too fast too!!!
28 more days and our little family will be complete! We can't wait!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Leighton's best friends

An amazing thing happened this week. My best friends, Kaci and Kodi Scott had their twin babies. Laney Kayte and Mason William were born on 4-6-09 at 4:54 and 4:56 respectively. Of course I went up to see them as soon as I could on Monday evening. I got to hold Mason first, all 6lbs 2oz of him. He is absolutely adorable, he has the sweetest little face and makes the funniest expressions. He also makes all kind of funny sounds. Even as early as Monday he would look around and smile...sure they say its gas but he sure does it at the right time! Next, I got to hold Laney, all 6lbs 3oz of her! She is a beautiful baby girl! Something about her reminds me of her big sister.She has slept every time I have held her. Last night I even got to feed Laney!!! It was so wonderful. Holding them has made me realize just how much fun the 4 of us are going to have soon...and how blessed I am to be able to watch the 3 of them grow up together.
Last night I was holding Mason and Leighton got to really moving and kicking. I thought it was so funny. Mason just laid there sleeping like ya ya I've been through this before. Later I held Laney and Leighton just starting kicking like wild again. She would kick so hard Laney would kind of bounce a little. Then Laney would stretch her little legs out as though to kick back. Haha! It was really quite amusing to me...We just had to have a little conversation with Leighton last night about her staying put for at least 6 more weeks...just because her friends are born doesn't mean its time for her to come just yet!
We are all so happy for Kodi and Kaci and SO glad to have Laney and Mason here. They weren't born on my birthday but they sure got to go home healthy, happy and perfect on my birthday which is pretty special!