Sunday, February 15, 2009

Super Glue

Sometimes as a parent its fun to sit back and watch your child play. Today I was watching Garrett play with his new favorite toy...Legos. Kodi and Kaci bought him a starfighter and ObiWan lego set for Christmas and he throughly enjoyed watching Kodi and Daddy put it together and absolutely LOVED playing with it. I would have to say it is his favorite thing. He has now been saving his money to buy more sets. He loves them....but he gets VERY frustrated when he is playing and the pieces fall apart...and sometimes they get lost and it breaks his heart when Daddy can't put the ship back together because of the missing parts. Well the little ships all come with little guys. He has a set with clone troopers and the helmets come off much to Garrett's annoyance. SO I bought some super glue and we glued the heads on so they wouldn't pop off. Today, as I sat at watched him play getting irritated with the constant need to go ask Daddy for help I watched his little face register something and off he ran to my room. I heard him rumaging through something and a few minutes later he comes in and asks Michael if he would just super glue the whole ship together...glue all the pieces on so they wouldn't come off again he instructed. I laughed and said Garrett the point of legos is to build and if you super glue them you cannot take the pieces off so you won't be able to build again. He looked at me like I was completely unaware of his brilliance and said "Um Mommy thats the whole point I was making". He sat and helped Michael glue all the pieces on and then went and got the other sets. They were finished and they looked at eachother and at the same time said "What else can we glue". I had to laugh so hard. Sometimes looking at them together amazes me...Garrett is his Daddy's clone. Whenever we say that he insists he has my eyes and nose and Caden's chin...whatever, he's a spitting image of his Daddy.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Whats new with the Kacals

Well its official my kids are growing up. Can you believe Caden will go to Middle School next year? It just seems like yesterday he was running through the house in underwear and cowboy boots with Spiderman googles on...or jumping off the top of the playground at daycare because he knew he could fly. He's just signed up to play baseball out at Cooper this year. He wants to play with his classmates and I think it will be great for him to meet kids from the other two feeder schools as well as play with the kids he'll play with in high school...if he so chooses.
That other little boy of mine, the one who use to be so tiny and quiet just outgrew his size 12 shoes! I mean tiny shouldn't be used to describe Garrett at any stage of his life but believe it or not he use to be little. He once was chubby and now he is skinny. He seriously grew an inch this month and has been eating CONSTANTLY. He's just growing up and up...and not so much out. Its funny to see that. We signed him up for Tball and next week I sign him up for Preschool! He's also no longer a quiet little, innocent baby...he's always ALWAYS talking and always on the move. He loves to play football and his new hobby is legos. He writes his name SO well...well it may take up the whole page but he does so well. I look at these boys and think WOW where did the time go? It doesn't seem like long ago that Caden was perfecting his name writing skills.
Today I went to the doctor for my 24 week check up. Little Leighton was doing great, her heartrate was a steady 160, she's been moving so much. Its crazy to think we only have 15 more weeks until our baby girl is much to do before she comes! Everything looks great with her. My blood pressure was a little high but they accidently told me to drink the Glucola and that combined with some worry over a friend I am sure is to blame for that. It went down before I left...still higher than normal but surely it showed them it was just circumstances. I go back in a month and then every two weeks after that. I can't believe I have 2 more weeks of my second trimester. In some ways it feels like that day we found out back in September was years ago and in other ways I see my babies growing up TOO fast and know she'll be here in no time.
With Caden in baseball it seems our times flies by, we have practices 3-4 times a week, games 2-3 times a week...What were we thinking putting Garrett in Tball and in another league...he will play out at Frenship. Something tells me I am going to blink and it will be May.
We sure are excited, enjoying buying pink and hairbows...and shoes!
The boys and I just went to visit my sister and her family for my nephew Connor's 4th birthday. Watching Garrett and Connor play together is so funny. They were once babies just happy to smile and poke they're running through the house yelling and hitting eachother with Lightsabers. Cole, my youngest nephew is 9months and Caden loves him...and he loves Caden. He had Cole just laughing outloud. I can't wait to see him with his sister. He's sure a sweet boy.