Tuesday, November 18, 2008

12 weeks!!!!

Well I went today for my 12 week appt. Dr. Owen couldn't find the baby's heartbeat. She said this baby just wanted to be on camera. So she did a quick ultrasound. There was our little poppy just a flipping and kicking. It was so precious to see. I can't feel that stuff yet but I could sure see it! Too early to see much and Dr.Owens office ultrasound machine isn't very clear.
Dr.Owen scheduled my c-section for May 29th...SO EXCITING to know already what the baby's birthday will be...assuming nothing makes us move that date up. Everything looked good!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

10 weeks

Well I celebrated my 10 weeks today by going to the doctor. Nothing quite says excitment like a thin veined person giving 6 viles of blood...The appt was quick just with the nurse, Rhonda--who is WONDERFUL. She gave me only one exciting bit of information...My due date is officially June 5th! I feel better some days worse others, but anyway it goes I'm just happy to be pregnant! 30 more weeks we'll have a precious new addition to our family!